Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Guns, Guns, Guns!

People with ideological or political axes to grind are invariably among the most oblivious people on earth.  Take this for example, discovered while looking for pictures of women with guns (hey, we all have our thing).

In summary: "My pet political opinions are awesome and people who disagree with me are ugly and dumb."  You know the drill.  It’s the kind of bottom-of-the-barrel simulacra of political discourse that we have all begun to accept as right and normal.

I’m past it.

Here’s the problem: The author finishes his diatribe by posting a trio of pictures featuring the very thing I sought--women with guns.  But just look at these pictures.  How could any responsible gun owner find them anything less than grotesque?




TRIGGER DISCIPLINE, LADIES.  For fuck’s sake, the woman in the third picture is pointing the gun at her own femoral artery and her finger is on the trigger.  I can’t jack off to this.  It's horrifying.  It's one errant muscle spasm away from gore porn. 

(Also the first two are kind of ugly.)

The author of this filth should be ashamed of himself, particularly as a gun owner.  Hopefully he is a mere gun fetishist, and hasn't put himself and his family in mortal danger by owning an actual firearm.  It undermines his entire message, which amounts to:

"Guns rule, and Americans have the right to bear arms, now here are some pictures of women demonstrating deplorable gun safety!  Woo, I have no fucking idea what I’m talking about!"

He doesn't realize this, of course, because he is an idiot.  Like many of your rabid gun crowd I imagine that he will accidentally perforate his own skull while cleaning a loaded Desert Eagle, which he bought because he saw it blow a telephone pole in half in a movie.

Good riddance.

Yes, they are prop guns.  I hope.  That does not excuse such gross irresponsibility.

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